Follow the Stars
See the Signs

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Make better decisions

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Discover your life lesson

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Enhance your relationships

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Answer your career questions

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Be the most authentic You

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Lean into your full potential

Stars & Signs Astrology, Tarot and Lenormand guides you to make conscious, soulful decisions, opening a window to your life, letting in more light.

It’s time for you to take centre stage and discover who you truly are.

Through Astrology, we can discover the characteristics and patterns that make you unique, exploring your behaviour and personality traits, giving you permission to be yourself and love yourself.

Through Tarot and Lenormand, we can explore the answers to your questions as you navigate your life path with all its twists and turns.

For those seeking guidance, Stars & Signs Astrology, Intuitive Tarot and Lenormand helps to reconnect you with your inner wisdom, offering deep insights as you continue your journey of self-discovery and self-reflection.

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You are allowed to be both a masterpiece
and a work in progress, simultaneously.

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The Stars: Astrology

Astrology helps you follow the Stars.

The moment you were born, ten Planets in our solar system were in a very particular pattern.

These placements represent specific energies with the potential to influence the course of your life.  

Just as the Moon affects the tides, which in turn affect the human body (after all, we are around 60% water), other Planets have a similar impact on our character, personality, and life journey.

Astrology is the language we use to navigate the placements of the Planets.  Using this symbolic language, it can help to unlock and explain the nuances of your character, as well as offering you insights into the incredible potential you hold, so you can live your best and most fully aligned life.

The deep insights you gain will last a lifetime and enhance every area of your life.

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The Signs: Tarot & Lenormand

Tarot & Lenormand help you see the Signs.

Whatever your question, Tarot and Lenormand help you find the answer.

Tarot and Lenormand Readings offer intuitive insight and guidance into the questions you want answered, or provide an overview of the energies for the coming months, so you can make decisions with clarity.

Through Tarot, we can remind ourselves of that which we already know on a deeper, more subconscious level, and spark our connection to our Soul, or Highest Self.

In contrast, Lenormand is straightforward and literal. Where Tarot is symbolic, Lenormand is emblematic.

From answering specific questions to providing guidance in areas of life or making decisions, Tarot and Lenormand can help open your mind to new possibilities and creative solutions.